Adjust the voice of your guitar or bass with the DigiTech DOD 440 envelope filter with an up/down switch. The beauty of this footswitch is in its simplicity. The Level knob controls the sensitivity of the envelope, which means you don't have to work your fingers as hard to achieve the same effect. Range controls the frequencies of the tones you produce. The overall Voice switch at the middle of this device lets you choose which part of this audio equipment you want to emphasize during your performance. The basic effect of this switch is that your guitar makes lighter, vowel-like sounds versus harder consonants that resonate similar to a human voice. Imagine making a typical "wan" sound when you strum just the right chord.
True bypass means you achieve unfiltered, unfettered sound even when this equipment is off. A 9-volt power supply jack brings uninterrupted power. A blue LED shows you that the envelope filter is ready to go with your next strum.